Terms and conditions

JOY OF DOING uses this site to provide better services to its customers. Please read the following rules that govern your use of joyofdoing.com, which you accept by accessing it. If you don't agree, please don't use it. We reserve the right to update or change the Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice.
Restrictions of use.

The content you see and hear on the joyofdoing.com site including, for example, demos, artwork, images, site design, illustrations, and graphics are the intellectual property of Joy of Doing. The content of the joyofdoing.com site is intended for informational purpose only to consider services from Joy of Doing. You may be able to download content such as voiceover demos with the following conditions:

That the use is for review only in the consideration of hiring Joy of Doing / Rachael Warren-Allen for services. Do not copy or reproduce the content in any medium. Do not alter or modify in any way any registered trademark or copyrighted material. No right, title or interest in any content or material is transferred to you as a result of viewing or downloading the materials. No images, sound files, or content may be used for the training of AI as machine learning or other means.

There may be some third party videos shared in which work done by Joy of Doing is showcased, be it voice or other artwork. This content is shared for demonstration purposes only and are the intellectual property of the posting entity. These are for review only and not intended for download or for any further use.